If we weren’t impressed enough by the Fire TV and its ability to sideload Kodi… Now it can stream high end PC games!
The Fire TV really has become the ultimate TV companion! The latest discovery is that we can now use the Fire TV device to stream your PC games directly to your TV in full HD (1080p 60fps).
Some clever boffins have created an app called Moonlight Game Streaming, (Previously called limelight but recently changed for legal red tape reasons) which uses the same streaming technology that the Nvidia Shield uses, to send games from your computer to your FireTV connected screen or television.
Ahhhh you can be happy in the knowledge that your cable cutting fantasies aren’t being destroyed by a 10m HDMI cable running down your stairs and across your living. FireTV 1 – Trunking nightmare.
You’ll need a few things before you can start enjoying wireless transmission (Nvidia Game Streaming) of the latest PC games to your FireTV’s connected TV, Requirements:
Available on Amazon: Amazon Fire TV and Fire TV Stick
- Geforce Graphics card 600/700/900 series and above
- Geforce Experience (installed)
- Amazon Fire TV or Fire TV Stick
- Router (Faster the better)
Alternatively you can check whether your system meets the requirements by loading up the Geforce Experience application and clicking on the “My Rig” tab from here you’ll have another tab called Nvidia Game Stream which will let you know whether your gaming rig / laptop meets the requirements.
Setting up is simple, first you need to search for Moonlight on your FireTV (go crazy and voice search!) and install this free app. Once installation is complete as long as your PC and FireTV are connected to the same network your PC name will appear when you open the Moonlight app. Click connect and enter the PIN on your PC. Wa-la all your games should be showing, select a game, sit back and pat yourself on the back!
The app also comes with some basic settings that will allow you to tweak your experience if you are suffering from lag or stuttering. You can select to optimise the video target bitrate and select target frame rate / resolution which can be great if you routers transfer speed isn’t up to scratch as you can lower the data transferred to an acceptable rate. You can also optimise game setting automatically as well as choose whether to play sounds from your PC which is a nice addition.
But wait there’s more… If like me you like to use your Xbox 360 pad to play your PC games (Noob I know) then you might be sat there right now thinking why the **** won’t my pad work! I’m seeing the Xbox buttons but nothing is happening!! Well fear not my fellow FireTV enthusiast for I have the answer. Just click the link below and be amazed by the lengths and means one man will go to be free from wires.
Solved: Unresponsive Xbox 360 Controller with Moonlight through Nvidia Stream »
If you’ve like me you’ve just realised this is a bloody good thing and it’s free then you might be thinking I need a better router. You might already be justifying the price tag with words like “future-proofing” and “good investment”, if you are then here’s a handy list of Nvidia Streaming approved routers.
Like always if you’ve got any questions, need any help or just want to pick me up on typos, please leave me a message and I’ll endeavour to get back to you.